Museum opening hours: 9AM to 5PM. Mon-Sat. (Sundays 12-5pm in Summer)

FREE EVENT: Annual Field Report (Nov 19th)

Dr. Denver Fowler and Dr. Liz Freedman Fowler present the latest discoveries from our summer fieldwork digging dinosaurs, and the latest news from Badlands Dinosaur Museum.

(NOTE: unlike in previous years, the 2020 presentation will not be given in a lecture hall – we will be streaming online and on TV)

6pm – Presentation on Facebook Live & Dickinson Channel 19 television (possibly more streaming services TBA).
The live presentation will be a ~45 minute talk followed by questions from viewers.
Viewers of the livestream will be able to type questions and have them answered by Dr.s Fowler & Freedman Fowler.
(The video will be archived and made available to stream anytime on Facebook videos and YouTube)
Everything is FREE!

Read more about the event in the Dickinson Press article: