Museum opening hours: 9AM to 5PM. Mon-Sat. (Sundays 12-5pm in Summer)

Armored dinosaur teeth in the lab

ARMORED DINOSAUR TEETH: Since we returned from the field about a week ago, seasonal preparator (and fieldwork crewmember) Jack has been busy cleaning mud from around the skull of the nodosaur we collected in 2017. In this photo you can see ridged teeth still preserved in their tooth sockets. These are replacement teeth, hence they had not yet been worn down (dinosaurs grew many sets of teeth through their lives).

This is an excellent specimen and is the only nodosaur that has been collected from this particular rock formation. This means that it is either a new species, or will extend the range of a known species by about two million years. Either way, a great discovery!

You can watch preparation of this specimen in the public viewing lab at the back of the museum.

Also – keep an eye open for an announcement soon on our annual field report presentation evening. We’re finalizing a few details before we advertise the date etc, but it looks like the very beginning of October. We found some really cool things in 2018, so you don’t want to miss it!